Amoré’s parents also found out about Cupcakes of Hope from the doctors at the hospital where she was receiving treatment. As always, Cupcakes of Hope came to the rescue by providing monthly financial support, which enabled Amoré to get the treatment she needed.
Amoré has had to undergo 3 surgeries to remove tumours. While the results of these surgeries have been positive, they have taken a toll and she now needs to strengthen her muscles again. This physical rehab is intense and unfortunately Amoré has to travel far from home to get it, which means that she has to stay at the rehab facility all week while her parents go to work. Cupcakes of Hope has also helped with transport money so that her family can visit her more regularly, which we’re sure makes the recovery that much easier for her.
Soon, Amoré will be able to do her own bell-ringing ceremony. Until then, she’s still doing her best with physical rehab.
When you order your favourite Giant Muffin at your local M&B, you’re helping kids like Amoré. For each Giant Muffin sold nationwide, we’re donating to non-profit Cupcakes of Hope so that they can keep on supporting countless other kids through their fight against cancer and into remission.