When Marnel was only 3 years old, her mom, Ronel, noticed that she was crying and complaining about headaches. Then, other symptoms like vomiting and nose bleeds started showing up too. Marnel’s doctors wrote off the symptoms as flu or gastro, but one day when the nosebleeds just wouldn’t stop, Ronel took her to the E.R. Within just 1 hour, the doctors had diagnosed Marnel with medulloblastoma – a cancerous brain tumour. The doctors started treating her immediately with chemotherapy, radiation, and even a surgery to remove the tumour.
After that battle, Marnel was in remission. Every year, Ronel would take Marnel for her annual scans and she was even starting to question whether they needed to keep on going back for check-ups, because nothing had shown up yet. However, after 6 years, the doctors did see something on her scans. Unfortunately there were tumours on her liver, heart, and lungs. After heart surgery in September 2021, Marnel is currently receiving chemotherapy to prevent the growth of the tumours.
Ronel stresses the importance of keeping up with annual scans, because remission is not guaranteed and cancer can come back at any time.
When we asked Ronel to share a story from her family’s journey that filled her with hope, she remembered the day of Marnel’s heart surgery in September 2021. After the surgery to remove her tumour, Marnel had to stay in the ICU all on her own for a full 7 days, with only 10-minute visits from her family. Ronel told us how she visited the ICU mere hours after the surgery to find Marnel standing next to her bed saying “Mommy, I’m okay!”
This is testament to Marnel’s spirit and resilience that enables her to take this battle in her stride, and it’s a constant source of inspiration for her family.
When you order your favourite Giant Muffin at your local M&B, you’re helping kids like Marnel. For each Giant Muffin sold nationwide, we’re donating to non-profit Cupcakes of Hope so that they can keep on supporting Marnel and countless others who are also fighting similar circumstances.